Male and female of Stylops ovinae. The endoparasitic female protrudes from the abdomen of her host.

Kenny Jandausch

PhD student
Male and female of Stylops ovinae. The endoparasitic female protrudes from the abdomen of her host.
Image: Hans Pohl
Kenny Jandausch
Kenny Jandausch
Image: Oliver Niehuis


Kenny Jandausch

Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Institute of Zoology and Evolutionary Research
Phyletisches Museum
Vor dem Neutor 1 (room 207)
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 3641 9-49189

Research Interest

My research as an entomologist is in general focusing on the insect order Strepsiptera. More specific I am tackling several different aspects of their mating and reproductive biology. To deepen the understanding of this enigmatic insect order I am mainly engaged with morphology, systematics behavior, genomics and phylogeny.

Research Topics

  • morphology of Strepsiptera genitalia and their male-female interaction
  • Reproductive and behavioral biology of Strepsiptera
  • Paternity tests and fertilization success
  • larval morphology of Neuroptera and phylogenetic implications

Research Methods

  • µCT scanning and 3D reconstruction, 3D- modelling
  • Scanning electron microscopy
  • Histology
  • biomechanical force measurements
  • Geometric morphometrics (principal component analysis)
  • PCR and gel electrophoresis
  • analyzing microsatellite markers via capillary sequencing
3D- reconstructions of Stylops ovinae during copulation. Female of S. ovinae protruding dorsally from the host’s abdomen (Andrena vaga) in copula with a male. Colors: light grey – host, dark grey – male S. ovinae, beige – cephalothorax of female S. ovinae, orange – male penis.
3D- reconstructions of Stylops ovinae during copulation. Female of S. ovinae protruding dorsally from the host’s abdomen (Andrena vaga) in copula with a male. Colors: light grey – host, dark grey – male S. ovinae, beige – cephalothorax of female S. ovinae, orange – male penis.
Image: Kenny Jandausch

Short CV


02/2020 – present        PhD student, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena & Ludwig-Alberts-Universität Freiburg
Project title: »The reproductive and mating strategies of the twisted-winged parasites (Insecta: Strepsiptera): novel insights in the reproductive biology of an enigmatic insect order.« Supervisors: PD Dr. Hans Pohl, Prof. Dr. Oliver Niehuis & Prof. Dr. Rolf Beutel

10/2015 – 04/2018       MSc in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

10/2012 – 09/2015       BSc in Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

Professionel experience

2015 – 2019     Teaching assistant, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Courses in zoological Biodiversity, Morphology and Anatomy

2017    Technical assistant, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Teaching, rebuilding the Mammut of Pfännerhall for the Landesmuseum Halle

Scholarships and awards

09/2019           Price of the German Zoological Association for the best zoological master thesis 2018 (100€)


04.2020            »Wildbienen auf dem Rymelsberg in Langerwehe«External link Article in Biologie unserer Zeit about Stylops oviane and their host Andrena vaga.

19.04.2019       »10tons – Medusen – Ernst HaeckelExternal link« Article in Thüringer Museumshefte (1/2019) as a prequel to the Exhibition in the Phyletisches Museum


Jandausch, K., Michels, J., Kovalev, A., Gorb, S.N., van de Kamp, T., Beutel, R.G., Niehuis, O., Pohl, H., 2022. Have female twisted-wing parasites (Insecta: Strepsiptera) evolved tolerance traits as response to traumatic penetration? PeerJ 10, e13655. link

Li, D., Friedrich, F., Jandausch, K., Pohl, H., Liu, X., Beutel, R.G., 2022. Unearthing underground predators: The head morphology of larvae of the moth lacewing genus Ithone Newman (Neuroptera: Ithonidae) and its functional and phylogenetic implications. Syst. Entomol., 47(4), 618–636. link

Jandausch, K., Schwarz, D., Bock, B.L., Lukas, P., 2021. A decharming metamorphosis: The larval and adult morphology of the common spadefoot toad, Pelobates fuscus. Zool. Anz. 296, 37–49.

Jandausch, K., Beutel, R., Bellstedt, R., 2019. The larval morphology of the spongefly Sisyra nigra (Retzius, 1783)(Neuroptera: Sisyridae). J. Morphol. 280, 1742–1758.

Jandausch, K., Pohl, H., Aspöck, U., Winterton, S.L., Beutel, R.G., 2018b. Morphology of the primary larva ofMantispa aphavexelte Aspöck & Aspöck, 1994 (Neuroptera: Mantispidae) and phylogenetic implications to the order of Neuroptera. Arthropod Syst. Phylog. 76, 529–560.

Jandausch, K., Beutel, R., Pohl, H., Gorb, S., Büsse, S., 2018a. The legs of “spider associated” parasitic primary larvae of Mantispa aphavexelte (Mantispidae, Neuroptera) – Attachment devices and phylogenetic implications. Arthropod Struct. Dev. 47, 449–456.

Book contributions

Beutel, R.G., Jandausch, K., 2019. 3.3.9. Digestive system. In: Beutel, R.G., Friedrich, F. (Eds.), Handbook of Zoology, Vol. IV Arthropoda: Insecta. Nannomecoptera and Neomecoptera. Walter De Gruyter, Berlin, New York.

Conference Abstracts

11/2021           Evidence for female resistance traits in traumatically mating Strepsiptera (Insecta). 12 minutes talk at the annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America (online).

09/2021           Evidence for female resistance traits in traumatically mating Strepsiptera (Insecta). 8 minutes talk at the annual meeting of the German Zoological Association (online).

08/2021           Evidence for female resistance traits in traumatically mating Strepsiptera (Insecta). Poster at the annual meeting of the Royal Entomological Society.

09/2019           How to feed on sponges: The larval morphology of the spongefly Sisyra nigra (Neuroptera: Sisyridae). Poster at the annual meeting of the German Zoological Association in Jena.